Tai Lopez Books List in 2021
Tai Lopez Books!!!
Want some precious book recommendations?
Don’t worry! You won’t need to waste your time searching in the webs for a worthy read. As we have compiled the top 20 Tai Lopez Books List in 2021.
These booklists comprise inner discovery, self-help, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, and other several classic pieces of literature you have never ever read in your whole life.
Quick Overview
Books Name | Author |
20. The Call of the Wild | Jack London |
19. Papillon | Henri Charrière |
18. Riveted | Jay Crowner |
17. The Gifts of Imperfection | Brené Brown |
16. When I Stop Talking, You’ll Know I’m Dead | Jerry Weintraub |
15. Contagious | Jonah Berger |
14. The Pillars of Earth | Ken Follett |
13. The Richest Man in Babylon | George S. Clason |
12. Gandhi: An Autobiography | Mahatma Gandhi |
11. Salt, Sugar, Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us | Michael Moss |
10. All Quiet on the Western Front | Erich Maria Remarque |
9. The Lessons of History | Will and Ariel Durant |
8. Pitch Anything | Oren Klaff |
7. Awaken the Giant Within | Tony Robbins |
6. Explosive Growth | Cliff Lerner |
5. Total Recall | Arnold Schwarzenneger |
4. The One Thing | Gary Keller and Jay Papasan |
3. Think and Grow Rich | Napoleon Hill |
2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People | Stephen R. Covey |
1. How to Win Friends and Influence People | Dale Carnegie |
Who is Tai Lopez?
Well, Tai Lopez is renowned as a garage boy with his flashy Lamborghini and a mentor of 67 steps program, which ensures the participators achieve whatever they want in their life.
Apart from that, Tai is an American entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and social influencer who has massive followers in the digital world.
Why are Tai’s book recommendations valuable?
Tai Lopez loves reading a book every single day. Shocking right! Yes, this man sure broke a record!!
Moreover, he recommends his colossal followers on social media with his book of the week, which is true to change their lives for the better.
This man has a huge library preserved with around 5,000 books.
Further, Tai adds that all his philosophy and mentorship are the outcome of the wisdom of the books he reads.
Thus, he inspires his followers to make reading a consistent habit as it blooms your mind with profound wisdom and poise.
Last but not least, Tai motivates everyone to take the fast pace on gaining knowledge from practical and skilled entrepreneurs and apply them than experiencing the same thing as an amateur and failing later.
20. The Call of the Wild- By Jack London
This short adventure novel foretells the story of a dog named Buck who is stolen from his home and sold into Alaska as a sled dog.

Buck experiences a very cruel environment as a sled dog struggling to survive for food and relies on its primitive instinct to lead as a wild dog.
19. Papillon- By Henri Charrière
In this autobiography, the author presents his thrilling and crafty escape from the notorious prison Devil’s Island.
Despite his innocence, Henri was imprisoned as a murderer.

This all-time classic book foretells the struggles of the author during his journey between life and death.
18. Riveted- By Jay Crownover
Riveted is the fourth sequel of the Saint of Denver series written by New York’s best-selling author Jay Crownover.
Moreover, this moving romantic novel revolves around two characters Dixie Carmichael and Dash Churchill, who are just opposites from one another. Dixie is just like sun and rainbows. Whereas Churchill is like shadow and rain.

Further, the story blooms when Dixie helps Churchill to face his past bruises. But, for a man who spends his life living in shadows, the experience of the light from Dixie is scary.
17. The Gifts of Imperfection- By Breńe Brown
The author of this valuable self-discovery book offers the readers multiple in-depth views for the connection between different elements that are disrupting to live a graceful life.

Moreover, Brown gifts the readers with a profound tool to create a wholehearted and wonderful life.
Most of the readers find the stories presented in this book relatable and wholly fruitful read in the end.
16. When I Stop Talking, You’ll Know I’m Dead- By Jerry Weintraub
The author Jerry Weintraub gives the readers an opportunity to explore his life story through this book.

Moreover, the book is full of wisdom and lessons to any artists, entrepreneurs, and people around the world.
15. Contagious- By Jonah Berger
A world’s leading expert on change, Jonah Berger answers on why certain things, ideas, and products go contagious (viral) than others with the psychological perspective in this book.

Moreover, this book is very beneficial to marketers, entrepreneurs, bloggers, social media influencers to make their products and ideas to get viral.
14. The Pillars of Earth- By Ken Follett
On the fourteenth spot of our list is the historical fiction classic The Pillars of Earth.
- The Pillars Of The Earth (Source: Goodreads)o
The author portrays the anarchy in the 12th century in England, revolving around the development of medieval architecture, civil wars, political and religious themes.
13. The Richest Man in Babylon- By George S. Clason
Especially, this book is a huge blessing to those who want to handle their money wisely.

Clason, through his easy storytelling format, allows the readers to understand the financial system, management strategies on financial problems, and ways to enhance personal wealth.
12. Gandhi: An Autobiography- By Mahatma Gandhi
On the twelfth spot of Tai Lopez’s books list in 2021 is the prestigious classic book Gandhi: An Autobiography.

In this autobiography, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi shares his life story on how he developed the peaceful revolution for India to gain freedom from the British empire in the 20th century.
Moreover, Gandhi also depicts his philanthropic movement of eradicating women violence, fighting for the rights of Muslims, and making everyone self-dependent.
11. Salt, Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us-By Michael Moss
Published in 2013, the author depicts how the competition for creating appealing packed foods increased the daily consumption of salt, sugar, and fat in America.

Moreover, Moss presents the ideas through the examples of companies such as Coke, Kraft, Nestle, Oreos, etc.
10. All Quiet on the Western Front- By Erich Maria Remarque
Published in 1928, the German author Erich Maria Remarque foretells the heart-wrenching story of the Germans who fought in World War I.
The story revolves around an 18-year-old boy Bauman who just started to love his life, but his youth and desire to live is destroyed as he must fight in the military during World War I.

Moreover, this book breaks your heart into every piece depicting the hardships and broken hopes of Germans.
Further, this book relates to every fighter who had less chance of survival and had to surrender their joys with no meaning in life during the warfare.
9. The Lessons of History- By Will and Ariel Durant
Published in 1968, the author’s Will and Ariel Durant offer an insightful view on the evolution of civilization.

Similarly, the book connects human history and how it shaped their experiences, culture, and man’s prospects and conquest of life.
Moreover, this book aids to understand the themes of the existence of human being through social, political, wars, and events till now.
8. Pitch Anything: By Oren Klaff
Published in 2011, Klaff presents his neuroeconomic strategies based on how he pitches his investors, clients, or the business audiences to succeed in his business.

Moreover, this is a must-read, simple, and detailed book for entrepreneurs on how to improve their business negotiation skills and market sales.
7. Awaken the Giant Within- By Tony Robbins
On the seventh spot of Tai Lopez books list in 2021 is Awaken the Giant Within.

Published in 1993, Tony Robbins discusses the stepwise strategies to help you perform at your peak level in this book.
Moreover, the author provides the cognitive behavioral therapy practices to discover your ultimate purpose and mastering yourself in thinking, feeling, acting, and achieving greater things in life.
6. Explosive Growth- By Cliff Lerner
Published in 2017, this book revolves around the story of Cliff Lerner, an American businessman who earned 100 million users in his startup dating app called Snap Interactive.

Throughout the book, the author foretells his startup story, ways to grow your startup business with practical strategies, and various lessons from his successes and regrets in the journey.
5. Total Recall- By Arnold Schwarzenegger
Published in 2012, Total Recall emphasizes the autobiography of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Moreover, the author narrates his life story on how much hard work he put on and became a successful bodybuilding champion, businessman, actor, and governor of one of the prestigious states in the US.
4. The One Thing- By Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
The real estate entrepreneurs Gary Keller and Jay Papasan wrote this self-help book and published it in 2013.
Especially, this book emphasizes the importance of navigating “The One Thing which matters the most by which everything becomes easier in your life.”

Moreover, the book discusses how to practice one thing every day with a singular focus so that one can achieve greater results in their life.
Also, the book casts a light upon the lies often associated with success like multi-tasking, disciplined and balanced life, willpower, and everything that matters and needs equal importance.
3. Think and Grow Rich- By Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill wrote this self-improvement book during the Great Depression period in 1937.

Similarly, Think and Grow Rich is Hill’s best-sold book ever with 15 million-copy sales.
Especially, this book embraces the practical philosophy to grow rich or earn success in any area of life as the individuals want to point it starts with a “thought.”
Throughout the book, Hill remarks on the importance of a burning desire, belief, actions, and persistence on what one truly wants to achieve in their life.
2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People- By Stephen R. Covey
On the second spot of Tai’s top 20 valuable book list in 2021 is the phenomenal book entitled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Besides, an American businessman Stephen R. Covey wrote the book in 1989.

The book is acclaimed as the greatest influential business book globally.
Moreover, this book emphasizes the need for abundant mindset and personality ethics of an individual for living life happily.
Furthermore, the author depicts the idea of shifting from the state of dependence to independence (self-mastery)and interdependence (working with others).
1. How To Win Friends and Influence People- By Dale Carnegie
At the top of the list, we have How to Win Friends and Influence People.
In October 1936, an American lecturer Dale Carnegie wrote a self-care book entitled How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Besides, Carnegie’s teaching helped millions of people around the globe to improve their life for the better. They include students to entrepreneurs to a large group of people from diverse work and ethnic backgrounds.

Moreover, this book highlights several pearls of wisdom of life such as fundamental techniques in handling people, how to win people to your way of thinking, ways to make people like you, and how to change people without offending or inducing bitterness.
Thus, this book is rewarding for every individual to provide them with novel thoughts, visions, popularity, negotiation skills, and mainly to get out of a mental rut.
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